Membership at CMG is in addition to membership of Soldierfit. Your membership at Soldierfit grants you access to their facilities and equipment in along with those of CMG Weightlifting.

For $20, drop in for the day!
You do not need to pay for a Soldierfit membership.
Please contact us ahead of time so we can let our coaches know you'll be coming in

Standard Membership
$10/month in addition to Soldierfit membership. This serves as a donation to support the club.
You will have access to the facilities during regular gym hours. Direct coaching by our experienced coaches and programming available on request

New Lifters
Stumble across some videos online and got curious?
Spent time training Crossfit and want to improve your technique?
CMG has always tried to grow the sport of Olympic Weightlifting. We have maintained a policy that the first drop in for new lifters is free.
So come by and try it out!